LennyGo Standard In Stock Now

Lennylamb recommend using this carrier from the moment your baby is able to sit unassisted, or around 4 months of age. In general terms baby size is what is regarded as standard.

The age and weight of the baby are not the only deciding factors as obviously children vary from one another. It is best to visit one of our Pop In Sessions found here.

Alternatively you can book a 1:1 consultation here.

LennyLamb Ergonomic Carrier is manufactured from wrap fabric, moulding gently around the baby. It is a perfect solution for caregivers who aren't comfortable to wrap, but like the fabric. It is quick and easy to buckle and unbuckle the carrier with plenty of adjustability to get a great fit.

This ergonomic carrier is also equipped with a handy hood, which helps keep baby’s head in comfortable position during a nap or shade from the sun/rain.